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Why Color Has a Lasting Impact on Customer Experience

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Think about some of your favorite brands. Well-known companies such as Coca-Cola and McDonald’s use the same colors in all their advertising. When you see those golden arches, you know exactly what they mean and what you’ll get when you visit one of their stores.


Although they aren’t all active, there are approximately 1.83 billion websites on the internet. If you want yours to stand out, you have to look at every little detail, right down to the hues you use in your design.


Color is one of those things you might not put a lot of thought into but has a lasting impact on the customer experience. Your business image ties strongly to the palette you use. Here are seven ways it makes a difference in brand image and loyalty.

1. Tap Into Emotions

There is an entire field of science dedicated to the study of the emotional impact of color. As a whole, we may see red as exciting and black as serious. Of course, it’s impossible to know all the ways a color might impact each individual.


It’s good to know some general rules of thumb, such as that both men and women often prefer the color blue. However, you also must know your customer base and preferences and understand whatever color palette you choose for your brand won’t resonate with everybody.


Feelings are a very individual thing. One person sees black and it reminds them of funerals. Another thinks of formal events and black-tie affairs. You should have a goal in mind, but understand you may or may not successfully hit on those emotions.

2. Embrace New Trends

Using color allows you to embrace current trends and show your business is modern. Pay attention to the favorite color of the year, such as teal. While it might not be the primary color you use for your design, as top colors come and go, you can implement it into a call to action (CTA) button or as an accent.


3. Create Contrast

Just choosing a few colors isn’t enough to create an amazing design. You also must think about how colors contrast with one another. For example, a light background calls for dark text.


The user must be able to read the body of your content easily without straining their eyes. Keep in mind that many people access the internet using their mobile devices now, so the screen size will be smaller than a traditional desktop.


You can also use contrast to draw attention where you want it. Use a bright sign in your store to attract users to a new arrival. Add an arrow to your digital ad to get users to click through. Understand the purpose of contrast and how it grabs attention.

4. Connect With Your Audience

Color allows you to connect with your audience, but you have to know who they are first. Create buyer personas and include information on colors they’re most likely to relate to. You want to ensure you survey current customers while keeping general color psychology in mind.


You can use color to add interest to almost any design. Color can create a warm welcome in a brick-and-mortar store or encourage people to linger in a restaurant and have dessert.

5. Draw Attention

Customers today are extremely busy. They want to visit your site, find the information they need and be on their way. Use color to draw attention to popular locations on your site.


For example, if your analytics show 59% of your visitors click on a specific offer, use bold colors and accents to highlight where the offer is and direct users to the location. While not everyone will be on your site for the same reason, you can save most people time and aggravation with the strategic use of hues.

6. Maintain Consistency

In the State of Brand Consistency report, researchers found 95% of companies have brand guidelines but only enforce them 25% of the time. The customer experience is enhanced when they know what to expect.


It often takes several exposures to a brand before you make a lasting impression. Utilizing the same color palette helps enhance the message and gives you a more professional appearance.

7. Suggest Higher Quality

Some colors suggest higher quality than others and can give your design an upscale look. Websites with simple colors and block designs are often seen as usable but may not seem as professional as sites with a mix of rich colors and asymmetrical layouts.


Even the color itself makes an impact. A deep purple may invoke feelings of royalty and luxury, while people view lilac as more homey and personal. Of course, you may want a more casual feel to match the mood of your brand.


Know who you are as a company and what appearance you want to project. Choose colors accordingly based on the message you wish to send as well as what your customers prefer.

How Important Is Color?

While you can’t predict every mood a color produces, you can make some general guesses. Merely having a style guide with a specific color palette helps create consistency and gives you a strong brand image.


You can’t personalize every web page for different people. You can only make general assumptions about what your users like. Consider color in your design choices, but go with what your gut tells you is right for your business.

Guest Poster – Eleanor Hecks

Eleanor Hecks is editor-in-chief at Designerly Magazine. Eleanor was the creative director and occasional blog writer at a prominent digital marketing agency before becoming her own boss in 2018. She lives in Philadelphia with her husband and dog, Bear.