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10 Web Design Tips That Will Boost Your Conversion Rate

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10 Web Design Tips That Will Boost Your Conversion Rate

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The battle for the increased conversion is an action that has a beginning but no end. That’s all for good: there is no limit to perfection. Only 22% of businesses consider that they have a pretty good conversion. Any business wants this rate to move only in the direction of increase. And they consider any ways to ensure this.

Some businesses focus on website performance by regularly analyzing it. Others concentrate on the top positions in search results. But today, we’ll talk in more detail about another interesting way.

Its name is web design optimization: the slightest change here can make a big difference.

Jump in and mentally prepare yourself for being over the moon about skyrocketing your conversion rates.

1. Your Brand Color

Color is essential, you should not be frivolous about it. This is not only a matter of usability, but it is also the main message and mood of your brand, the emotions that you seek to evoke. You cannot even imagine the power of associative bindings that are created at a subconscious level after a first look at the site. Changing this later will be next to impossible, so take it seriously from the start.

Your color scheme should match the idea your company wants to embody. After that, find a contrasting color that will be used to highlight significant elements such as headings and CTA. All these shades should not distract from meaning and should carry the ideological function of awakening certain associations in people.

2. Responsiveness

Do not underestimate the potential of customers coming to the website through mobile devices. More than 55% of global traffic is precisely smartphone users. Nobody says that you need to forget about desktops: you just need to provide all the possible options that modern realities dictate to us.

Therefore, ensuring responsiveness occupies a considerable place on the agenda. Consider everything here: optimization of font sizes and buttons, a rational amount of content, clear visible calls to action, etc. Your task is to prevent the smartphone user from even thinking that something is uncomfortable, something is not visible, or it is not clear where to click. Get ahead of all their requests, test different versions, solve problems before they appear.

3. Testimonials

More than 80% of website visitors read testimonials before making a purchase or ordering a service. Therefore, do not deprive them of the opportunity to see the corresponding section.

In addition to increasing brand trust, testimonials can help more social network users go to your website. Through the efforts of a good writer, they can also turn into great case studies, which will subsequently become your all-round assistants in boosting SEO, and, as a result, search ranking.

4. Negative Space

This is space not occupied by any elements: text, images, videos, forms to fill out, etc. You must provide enough of it since only in this case, it can be guaranteed that the visitor will not get tired of the abundance of important data. And will not leave the site before you have time to declare your unique offer.

Speakers always make significant pauses in their speeches: this helps to concentrate on what you have already heard and to prepare for the perception of the new. So it should be in the field of visualization. Thus, remember: the legible and easily scannable text should have enough white space between its parts. People will be able to easily find the data they need, their eyes will not be overloaded with the clutter of text.

5. The Rule of Thirds

…or thumbs. This is the type of composition used in photography, consisting in dividing the image into three equal thirds. As a result, we get 9 sections.

Intersections are the most important points. If you place key content or CTA there, the likelihood of key actions taken by the visitor increases significantly. Accordingly, you get a conversion boost.

6. The 8-Second Rule

It’s simple: after 8 seconds, people will leave the site if you can’t stop them. They see no reason to linger longer if a specific goal has not been achieved during this time. Such a small window of opportunity makes you wonder how to make sure that not a second passes in vain.

Here we can advise a lot of things, but first of all:

  1. Make CTA clear, concise, and visible.
  2. Use strong language and appealing headlines that clearly highlight the benefits of your product or service for the customer.
  3. Create engaging interactive elements.
  4. Don’t let visitors leave: hold them with pop-ups containing great offers.

7. K.I.S.S.

If you can keep it simple, then you can no longer be called stupid.

The shorter you can express your proposal, the better. This makes it easier for the visitor to navigate the website. And yes, this section is the shortest. For the sake of demonstrativeness.

8. The F-Shaped Pattern

Project the letter F onto the screen. Its contours are the main ways of moving your eyes throughout the web page. This also applies to the eyes of all site visitors. They scan data according to approximately one pattern, and you should definitely use this to your advantage.

Place key content along the lines of an imaginary letter F on your main page. People will carefully examine the top of the page, cast a glance at the middle part and completely lose interest in the bottom. Therefore, ensure that before they finish page research, they already have all the necessary information.

It is important to have high-quality images on the website as pictures sometimes have decisive reason and grab the attention of the visitor. Most web designers use Photza outsource photo editing service to make their images appealing.

9. Hick-Hyman Law

Let us do justice to both British and American psychologists since usually the second surname is not mentioned in the title of this law.

To make it simple, the more options people have, the more time they will spend on choosing. If you want to keep visitors on a page, reduce to a minimum the number of options.

10. The Law of Similarity

This law interprets the desire of the human brain to group similar objects. This can be used when placing side by side individual elements of the page, which together will bring the visitor to a certain target action.

For example, the feedback field should be located near the posted reviews, the registration form should be separate from the CTA buttons. Grouping will simplify the perception of information by customers and accelerate their reaction.

Wrapping Up

These are far from all design recommendations that you can and should apply. But everything is not limited only to design. You must remember that using one method will lead to one-sided results.

The best option is a complete set of measures designed for different aspects of optimizing your website. Reduce website load time, advance to the top of search results, guided by such backlink masters as LinksManagement, which implement an effective link-building campaign tailored to business goals.

However, if you need to start somewhere, then why not start with design? The above tips are enough to make sure that design optimization can definitely have a positive effect. So what are you waiting for? Your next stop is “Increased Conversions”!

Guest Poster – Marie Barnes

Marie Barnes is a writer for Bestforacar. She is an enthusiastic blogger interested in writing about technology, social media, work, travel, lifestyle, and current affairs. She shares her insights through blogging. Follow her on Medium.